We Write & Design the Best Company Profiles for clients all over Nigeria and other parts of the world.
Best Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Located in Lagos.
All you need to know about getting a Professional Company Profile in Nigeria. – Based on International standards.

Anywhere you are in Nigeria, we are Nigeria’s No.1 Company Profile Writers. We write the Best Company Profiles from Lagos Nigeria to the World.
- What is a Company Profile?
- Components of a Written Company Profile.
- Company Profile Uses and Advantages.
- Processes of Company Profile Writing.
- Company Profile Cost and Time-frame.
- Best Company Profile Writers in Nigeria – BusinessOntop.
- Best Company Profile Writers in Lagos – BusinessOntop.
- Company Profile Writing: “ANY WHERE IN NIGERIA” how is that possible?
- Why we care – Company Profile Writers
- Contact us – Company Profile Writers
1) What is a Company Profile?

A Company Profile is a professional and detailed introduction of a company/business, that aims to inform people (primarily prospective buyers and stakeholders) about your products, services, and current status. A well written company profile should be considered as a great opportunity for your company to differentiate itself.
Business Profile or Company Profile can also be defined as a detailed and graphical document that aims to introduce a Company/Business to the general Public. So, a Company Profile answers all the key questions that are usually asked by people coming across your Company/Business for the first time. First of all; from what your company is all about, to the different means you can be contacted, to the prices of your products (if you have fixed prices), to mention a few.
In addition, a company Profile is a nice looking document that ultimately introduces your business/company to those meeting you for the first time. Its your story, its your edge, its everything that tries to do the conviction both in writing and design.
It isn’t just the choice of words alone that gives people a sense of your business — it’s also about the design, the font, the color, and the overall feel of the profile.
2) Components of a Written Company Profile.
i) Basic Company Details.
ii) Company’s Products and Services.
iii) The Company’s Story.
iv) Business/Company Structure.
v) Company’s Management.
vi) Portfolio
vii) Business Edge.
viii) Other valuable details.
3) Company Profile Uses and Advantages.
Introducing your brand.
First of all, one of the major uses of a Company Profile is for it to serve as an all-round introductory tool. So you can tell the world what you want it to know about your brand through the information in the company profile.
A quick way to foster sales.
Also your company profile talks about your services and products. So all necessary details of your products/services will be provided especially answers to frequent asked questions about your products/services. Directions for quick sales are also provided.
Tell your story, build loyalty.
Most noteworthy, there is nothing as good as building loyalty in business. It is all about making people have faith in your brand and trusting in your ability to deliver whatever you say you will deliver. Telling your brand’s story in your company profile is one of the ways to build loyalty.
4) Processes of Company Profile Writing.
Company Profile Writing and Design.

The Writing
It all begins with good and creative writing. Because every Company Profile tries to tell the story of a Company/Business in the most informative and captivating way possible. And this calls for good writing skill. Subsequently, a major part of the writing also has to do with the ability to arrange information in a good way for the reader to be able to flow with what he/she is reading. Sometimes its just about some minor sentence reconstruction, while other times it involves some very major write-up transformation. Whichever is needed, we do everything possible to give your company profile the best possible writing experience.
The Design
The design of a company profile controls the look and feel of everything. So, having a good design is very important to the success of every company profile. This is why we make the best use of fonts, colors, images and backgrounds to ensure every company profile we work on comes alive and keeps the reader glued while reading.

5) Company Profile Cost and Time-frame.
Company Profile Writing time-frame and cost in Nigerian naira.
Time Frame
10 days.
6) Best Company Profile Writers in Nigeria – BusinessOntop.
We are a leading company profile writing/design firm in Nigeria. At BusinessOntop we write company profiles, and deliver to our clients wherever they are located in the world; meaning location is not a problem, as the final job will be delivered to your email address.
Based on the quality of jobs we deliver, we have reasons to say we are the most outstanding company profile writing firm in Nigeria. We are located in Lagos, and we are the best Business Communication and Consulting firm in Lagos and Nigeria.
Company Profile Writers in Nigeria.
Whatever type of Company Profile in Nigeria you need, we are here for you; Medical Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Fashion Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Agricultural Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Telecommunication Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Construction Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Engineering Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Entertainment Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, Oil and Gas Company Profile Writers in Nigeria, and company profiles for all other industries.

7) Best Company Profile Writers in Lagos – BusinessOntop.
BusinessOntop has the Best Company Profile Writers in Lagos.
When it comes to getting professional company profile writing service in Lagos, we are proud to say we are the industry’s leading experts to turn to in Nigeria as a whole. At BusinessOntop, we strive to provide our clients with the powerful, professional company profile services that they are looking for, because we know that getting a professional company profile is important. The right company profile can help your business stand out from the competition.
We write/design company/business profiles and deliver in PDF and PowerPoint Formats.
If you are looking for professional company and business profile writing services, there is no denying that we are the best in the business.
Company Profile Writers in Lagos.
Whatever type of Company Profile in Lagos you need, we are here for you; Hospital Company Profile Writers in Lagos State, Fashion Company Profile Writers in Lagos, Farming Company Profile Writing in Lagos, Best Telecommunication Company Profile Writers in Lagos, Top Construction Company Profile Writers in Lagos, Engineering Company Profile Writing services in Lagos, Entertainment Business Profile Writers in Lagos, Oil and Gas Company Profile Writers in Lagos Nigeria, and company profiles for all other industries.
8) Company Profile Writing: “ANY WHERE IN NIGERIA” how is that possible?
Our process of operation is SIMPLE, and is not limited to physical meetings. In fact, because of the nature of these jobs, we do not work with word-of-mouth. All major (important) communication has to be done through email; which is the most effective means of communication when it comes to writing a Company Profile.
The Process:
- You would answer our questions.
- We would use the information you provide to develop your custom Company profile.
- Your completed job will be sent to you through email.
9) Why We Care – Company Profile Writers.

A strong company/business profile is an essential component of your corporate brand, and can play a key role in attracting new clients. A well written and designed company profile will also boost your brand image and credibility. We are highly skilled in company profile writing for businesses of all sizes, from small local enterprises to large enterprises.
We believe success is contagious, so your success will ultimately influence our success.